
Mayor Rex retires after 13 years

Courtesy of the 12-18-13 on-line edition of the Ida County Courier (www.idacountycourier.com)

Odebolt mayor retires after 13 years

Odebolt Mayor Ron Rex is stepping down at the end of the year after 13 consecutive years of service to the Odebolt community. Rex was honored at an open house Friday, December 13th.

Since the 1960s, the 80-year-old has spent 20 years serving as mayor (16) or as a councilman (four).

“It’s been an honor and privilege to serve the people of Odebolt all these years,” said Rex. “Taking care of the town is ongoing. During my years, I encouraged and worked with volunteers, as they are truly the backbone of a community. I’ve also had a great staff of city employees over the years and a good council to work with. Harmony has been the key to our success.”

Highlights of his career include completion of the wastewater lagoon project and development of the Odebolt Betterment Committee (OBC).

“The new lagoon project was a very involved process of hiring an engineer and contractor, purchasing the land, the loan process and the construction. It took a considerable effort from the council and a lot of other people.

“Another project that was started during my years of service was the OBC. The OBC evolved from an Iowa Living Roadway Grant and, through them, many great, good things have happened in Odebolt, make the town more presentable: the greenspace, the Triangle Park, the old schoolhouse project, the Peterson Pioneer Home and supporting the Odebolt Museum. I’ve always believed in Odebolt and felt that the first impression makes a lasting one.”

Rex said, “When I came on as mayor, the city was in the middle of developing the Odebolt Memorial Walk, which improved the creek area. The RV Park was developed along the walk and is used every summer.

“We (the council) get many compliments from folks stating, ‘What a nice town we have.’ It’s most enjoyable to be part of that. I think my prime responsibility as mayor was the well-being of our people and children, making sure our town is as safe as it can be.”

He said the most difficult aspect of serving as mayor is: “You try to make 80 percent of the people happy 80 percent of the time. You can’t keep all the people happy all the time.”

Rex and wife, Elaine, have been married nearly 60 years and are the parents of four daughters. They have nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

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