
New Museum Tour

Please visit this new photo tour of the Odebolt Historical Museum!

Click for the tour!

Odebolt Historical Museum Roof Replacement

The museum building is in dire need of a new roof; the Board has received an estimate of $35,000 from Elevate Roofing.  The museum board has been busy researching and applying for grants and fundraising for the project.  

In order to apply for grants the museum needs to raise matching funds, so the museum is asking for your help by contributing to this worthwhile project.  The museum houses a wealth of Odebolt history and is a wonderful asset to those that do family research and to the community.  

Please consider making a donation to protect this resource
Donations may be sent to ...
Odebolt Historical Museum
P.O. Box 362
Odebolt Iowa 51458.


Identify People from Album

From Erin Bohannon: I acquired an old family album from an auction in Oregon, and many of the photos list an Odebolt photographer.  I was wondering if you might be able to identify any of the photos? Almost all the photos came from Odebolt, with a few others coming from other parts of Iowa.

I belong to several Facebook groups that acquire old photos and try to get them back to family.  This is something we do for free.  This old album has 25 photos.  A treasure trove of family history! Any help at all you can give me would be greatly appreciated.I would really love to get the album back to family. If you use the email just below, they will put you in contact with me.
Thanks for any help you can give!

If you have information on the identities of some of these people, please contact us at our email address, referring to the Photo #:  
Click on an image and a slide show will come up. If you want to see an enlargement, RIGHT click on the image in the slideshow, and select "View image". The single image will come up. Then click on the image and it should enlarge. (This is for PCs - I don't know how Macs work).
This is the front and back of the album

PHOTO 1 - Taken at Fry Studio - Odebolt

PHOTO 2 - Taken a Fry Studio - Odebolt

 PHOTO 3  - Taken at Fry Studio - Odebolt. This "may" be the same couple as in PHOTO 2.

PHOTO 4 - Taken at Fry Studio - Odebolt

PHOTO 5 - Taken at Fry Studio - Odebolt

PHOTO 6 - Taken at Fry Studio - Odebolt
Photo number 6 could be a young John Reynolds, who would have been about 39 when Frey bought the studio.
A known photo of John Reynolds is here:

PHOTO 7 - Taken at Fry Studio - Odebolt

PHOTO 8 - Taken at Fry Studio - Odebolt. This "may" be the same man as in PHOTO 7.

PHOTO 9 - Taken at Fry Studio - Odebolt. The seated couple are the same as PHOTO 8.

PHOTO 10 - Taken at Fry Studio - Odebolt

PHOTO 11 - Taken at Fry Studio - Odebolt

PHOTO 12 - Photographer is J L Umphrey, Odebolt, Iowa

PHOTO 13 -  Photographer is J L Umphrey, Odebolt, Iowa
Appears to be a match to PHOTO 12.

PHOTO 14 -  Photographer L. F. Wil....something, Spirit Lake, Iowa

PHOTO 15  

PHOTO 16 - Photographer Adams, Sac City, IA

 PHOTO 17 - Photographer McLagan, Early, IA

 PHOTO 18 - Photographer Phelps, Muscatine, IA
This appears to be an older photo than most of them.

 PHOTO 19 - The Hoff Studios, Carroll, IA

 PHOTO 20 - Photographer Gunderson, Winona, MN

 PHOTO 21 - Unknown photographer. Appears to be and older photo than the others.

PHOTO 22 - Photographer Skewis Photo Studio, Windom, Minnesota

PHOTO 23- Hawkins Bros. Photo/Studio


Your Help Needed

Odebolt Historical Museum Roof Replacement

The museum building is in dire need of a new roof; the Board has received an estimate of $35,000 from Elevate Roofing.  The museum board has been busy researching and applying for grants and fundraising for the project.  

In order to apply for grants the museum needs to raise matching funds, so the museum is asking for your help by contributing to this worthwhile project.  The museum houses a wealth of Odebolt history and is a wonderful asset to those that do family research and to the community.  

Please consider making a donation to protect this resource
Donations may be sent to ...
Odebolt Historical Museum
P.O. Box 362
Odebolt Iowa 51458.


25th Annual Odebolt Creek Days

The 25th Annual
June 8-9, 2019

Odebolt celebrated the 25th year of the founding of Odebolt Creek Days this year. The event is organized by the Odebolt Development Corporation, an all volunteer group.

For photos of the parade you may visit the
Odebolt Creek Days Facebook page.

Special guests for the parade were the Omaha Pipes and Drums, and the Abu Bekr Shriners White Horse Patrol from Sioux City.  Grand Marshall was Ruth Ann Mohr.

Parade Grand Marshall

The 25-Year Creek Days T-shirt.

The 25 Year of Creek Days T-shirt quilt was completed by Joyce Mandernach Martiens Curtis, who graciously took on the job of designing and quilting. Many others helped Ann Hoefling find all of the T-shirts. The ODC sold raffle tickets for the King size quilt. All proceeds went to Creek Days. Glenda Housman was the lucky winner.

Celebrating their 50th Year Reunion during Creek Days was the Odebolt-Arthur Class of 1969.

Click here for a larger photo.

Over the years, the Odebolt Development Corporation has donated a large amount of  the proceeds from Creek Days funds to local projects such as the Odebolt Community Center, the Odebolt Swimming Pool, Odebolt Cemetery, Odebolt Historical Museum, tennis courts, the Odebolt sign project, the O-A Education Foundation, as well as many local emergency services and youth groups.  

When you buy your Creek Days t-shirts, or tickets to Creek Days events, when you donate your money to support Creek Days or donate your time to volunteer at Creek Days, you are contributing to your community!

If you wish to donate, send funds to the below address. The ODC is a not-for-profit organization 
Odebolt Development Corp.
PO Box 373
Odebolt, IA 51458